About Cataract Services

A cataract occurs when the lens of the eye ends up with a cloudy layer. For someone with a cataract, it can be like looking through a foggy window. However, when you have a cataract, you can't wipe the fogginess away. If you've ever tried to drive while your windshield is getting foggy, then you can imagine how frustrating it can be to have this issue going on all the time. If you develop cataracts, it can affect your life in more ways than you may imagine. Here, you can read more on cataracts, as well as cataract services such as cataract surgery.

The development of cataracts

In most cases, cataracts are caused by changes in your eyes that occur normally as you age. When you get older, the proteins that are in the lens will start to break down. During the breakdown process, these proteins end up clumping together. That fogginess is directly caused by those clumps. The term 'cataract' is referring to those clumps. Many people find that the development of a cataract is something that progresses at a relatively slow pace. However, once the cataract has grown to the point where it causes significant changes to your eyesight, it will affect you in most areas of your life. Everything from seeing the expression on someone's face to driving your car will become more difficult, if not altogether impossible. 

Diagnosing cataracts

One of the things your optometrist can do when you go in for an eye exam is to diagnose a cataract and educate you on them. If your cataract is still in the beginning stages, then the optometrist may be able to prescribe eyeglasses for you that can help. They can also give you tips on how to best deal with your situation, such as educating you on the best lighting to use for different purposes around your home. However, as the cataract progresses, dealing with it will become harder and more frustrating. Luckily, there is surgery available that can get rid of the cataract. 

Cataract surgery

Cataract surgery is done by taking out the affected lens and replacing it with a clear one. This surgery is normally done on an outpatient basis. This means that you will go in for the surgery and go home that same day. This is a very common procedure, and you will be given numbing drops, so you won't experience any pain during the procedure. You may also be given a sedative that helps you to stay relaxed during the surgery. 

You may be sent home wearing an eye patch that you may be asked to keep on for a few days following surgery. You'll likely go back for a post-surgery follow-up exam a few days or so after having the surgery. While your vision might be blurry right after surgery, many people find things clear up after a few days. One of the first things you might notice is that colors appear so much brighter. Then, you'll notice your vision continues to improve to the point where you are seeing so much better.

Reach out to a clinic like Sabates Eye Centers to learn more.
